Puzzle Pirates!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Random Interesting Facts

Heyyyyy... I found this cool site called www.funny2.com/facts.htm and i pulled out some cool stuff for ya. You can click on the website to see more!

  • There are more cars in Southern California than there are cows in India.
  • The average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in it.
  • There is enough fuel in a full tank of a jumbo jet to drive an average car four times around the world.
  • Hawaii is moving toward Japan 4 inches every year.
  • Chimps are the only animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror.
  • Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
  • If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
  • There are 2,000,000 millionaires in the United States.
  • Quebec City, Canada, has about as much street crime as Disney World.

Aren't THOSE weird facts??? To find more, go to the website thats seen on the top of this post!


~Jilllllly Beann

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